Events and activites

Solving real problems with IoT
Practical and affordable IoT solutions for different industries are one of today’s challenges. In our lab and with both individual and company budgets for innovation we create industry-leading solutions. A common denominator for our work is that we focus on customer needs in a lean way. First and always creating an economical sound minimum viable product.
One such example is the SaaS platform we are creating for an ice cream company to help them track the level of ice cream in their freezers. This IoT platform is based on AWS Greengrass and backed by Serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda, which makes it both scalable and affordable.

Customer events and seminars are important to us. It keeps us sharp and on the cutting edge of technology.
We arrange both private, public, and customer-specific seminars. Some examples are GDPR Compliance, CI/CD how-to's, Gemba Walks, and technical best practices.

Education program
As an ICG employee, you have access to all our industry-leading experts. Besides always helping each other, we arrange Knowledge Jams and technology conferences.
For our regular knowledge jams, we prepare both lectures and labs. Keeping an evening format with food, drinks, hands-on learning, and documentation. Some of the former subjects include Docker and Kubernetes, Regular Expressions, Make-files explained, Introduction to Yubikey, Data Masking, Machine Learning, etc.

Kubernetes lab at Djurönäset
During a conference at Djurönäset, the trusty Raspberry Pi cluster was used to demonstrate the setup and running of a Kubernetes cluster, as well as introducing its basic components, such as nodes, controllers, kubelets, proxies, namespaces, pods, services, labels, and selectors, ingresses and more.
With it, it was also easy to demonstrate the robustness of a K8S cluster by simply pulling the plug on one or more of the RPis and watch the controller’s Web UI as the workloads migrated from the defunct nodes to the remaining ones.
Fun for all, and of course all the wires and blinking lights of the cluster made it a little extra fun. After all, what kind of techie would not be charmed by wires and blinking lights?
All in all, a highly appreciated and informative introduction to Kubernetes for those whose daily work does not necessarily involve interaction with Kubernetes.

Fairs and conferences
You often find us attending and speaking at national and international fairs and conferences.

Company trips and activities
We arrange company trips and conferences at interesting locations, mostly focusing on education and knowledge sharing. On occasion skiing in the alps but mostly in Sweden at places like Sandhamn, Krusenberg, or Skåvsjöholm. We aim to arrange two large conferences per year, one in the fall and one in the spring.
Rest and recreation are also part of the ICG curriculum. It can be anything from a Wednesday Mountain bike ride, a Friday after work, a Monday fika, or a visit to the gym.